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 Employee Position Change Request & Transition Process

The Employee Position Change Request & Transition Process page provides a structured framework for employees seeking to transition to a different role within iPreach Campus. It outlines the steps to formally request a position change, including submitting an official request, scheduling consultations, reviewing organizational needs, and detailing the necessary steps for a successful transition. This process ensures transparency, aligns with the institution's goals, and supports employee development in a professional, Christian, and business-focused environment.

Employee Position Change Request  

Instructions and Process for the Employee Position Change Request Form

1. Employee Information

  • Full Name: Enter your full name.

  • Current Position: Indicate your current job title at iPreach Campus.

  • Department: Specify the department you are currently working in.

  • Date of Request: Enter the date when you are submitting the request form.

2. Requested Position Change

  • Current Position Title: Confirm your current job title.

  • New Position Desired: Specify the new position you wish to transition into.

  • If Peer Support is Desired: If you are requesting a Peer Support role, specify which role (e.g., peer coach, peer mentor, etc.).

  • Reason for Request: Provide a detailed explanation of why you want to change positions. Be sure to align your reason with your career goals and how your skills can benefit the new role.

3. Skills, Qualifications, and Training for Desired Position

  • Relevant Experience: Outline your qualifications, skills, and any experience that makes you suitable for the new role.

  • Current Certifications or Training: List any certifications or training that are relevant to the new role. Indicate if you are willing to complete additional training if required.

4. Transition Timeline and Flexibility

  • Proposed Transition Timeline: Provide your preferred timeline for transitioning to the new role.

  • Flexibility in Current Role: Indicate whether you are open to remaining in your current role until a replacement is found, if needed.

5. Acknowledgment of Organizational Needs

  • Understanding of Organizational Priorities: Confirm that you understand the transition depends on iPreach Campus’s staffing needs. You may be required to remain in your current position until it is deemed operationally feasible for you to transition.

6. Supporting Documentation (Optional)

  • Additional Documents: Attach any relevant supporting documents, such as resumes, certifications, or letters of recommendation that will help substantiate your request.

7. Manager/Supervisor Feedback (Optional)

  • Feedback on Employee Request: This section is for your current supervisor or manager to provide feedback on your request and how it may impact your current role and department.

8. HR Use Only

  • Date Request Received: HR will document when your request is received.

  • Consultation Scheduled: HR will confirm whether a consultation meeting has been scheduled and note the date.

  • Position Availability Reviewed: HR will document whether the position is available and the date of the review.

  • Decision on Request: HR will check whether your request has been approved, denied, or is pending further review, providing an explanation if necessary.

  • Next Steps: HR will document whether training, an internal transition plan, or further review of organizational needs is required.

9. Transition Plan

  • Employee’s Plan for Current Role Transition: If your request is approved, describe how you will assist in transitioning your current responsibilities to minimize disruptions within your department.

10. Expectations for Decision Timeline

  • Review Process Time Frame: Your request will be reviewed within 2–4 weeks of submission. You will receive a final decision after this period or following your consultation meeting.

11. Performance Review (Optional)

  • Latest Performance Review: You can attach a copy of your most recent performance review, which may be taken into consideration during the evaluation process.

12. Additional Comments or Questions

  • Employee’s Additional Feedback: Use this section to provide any further comments or questions regarding your position change request.

This process is designed to ensure a transparent, fair, and professional transition while aligning with iPreach Campus's strategic goals and needs. It guarantees a well-documented procedure for managing role changes, while supporting the institution’s operations and staffing priorities.

Employee Position Change Request Form (Updated with Review and Next Steps)

Purpose: This form is designed to formally initiate a request for a position change within iPreach Campus. It ensures that all necessary information is provided and outlines the steps required for a successful transition, if approved, while aligning with the institution’s mission and operational needs. The form is designed to be business professional, marketable, publishable, and copyright protected.

Make Your Request Known

"Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God."

Philippians 4:6 King James Version (KJV):

Your Current Position with iPreach Campus | The OFF MARKET GROUP Inc.
What position are you interested in with iPreach Campus | The OFF MARKET GROUP Inc.
What IPC Department do you currently work in?
What IPC Department are you interested in transitioning into?
Date of Request
Are you willing to complete additional required training? (If applicable)
Transition Timeline and Flexibility Proposed Transition Timeline: (Indicate your preferred timeline for transitioning to the new position, if approved.) Preferred Start Date and Work Hour Start Time
Flexibility in Current Role: (Are you open to remaining in your current role until a replacement is found? Please explain.) ☐ Yes ☐ No
Acknowledgment of Organizational Needs Understanding of Organizational Priorities: (Please confirm your understanding that iPreach Campus may require you to remain in your current role based on organizational needs. The availability of the desired positi
Supporting Documentation (Optional) Additional Documents:

HR Use Only

  • Date Request Received: _______________________________________

  • Consultation Scheduled: ☐ Yes ☐ No

    • Date: ________________________________

  • Position Availability Reviewed: ☐ Yes ☐ No

    • Date: ________________________________

  • Decision on Request:☐ Approved☐ Denied☐ Pending further review

    • Explanation: _____________________________________________

  • Next Steps:☐ Training/Credentials required☐ Internal transition plan development☐ Further review of organizational needs

Expectations for Decision Timeline

  • Review Process Time Frame:

    (Your request will be reviewed within 2-4 weeks after submission. You will be notified of the final decision following this period, or after your consultation meeting, whichever comes first.)



We have an opportunity to rebuild and advance your position in life!

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