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iPreach Campus Platinum Tier

Annual Fee: $100,000 and Above

Platinum Tier

Annual Fee: $100,000 and Above

Enrollment Fees and Annual Contribution Details

1. Enrollment Fee:

  • Initial Enrollment Fee: $10,000 (one-time fee)

    • This fee covers the administrative costs associated with processing and onboarding Platinum Tier members.

2. Annual Contribution Requirement:

  • Minimum Annual Contribution: $100,000

    • This contribution supports major initiatives, programs, and operational enhancements at iPreach Campus.

3. Payment Options:

  • Full Payment: One-time annual payment of $100,000.

  • Installments: Quarterly payments of $25,000, totaling $100,000 per year.

  • Additional Contributions: Members are encouraged to contribute beyond the minimum requirement for specific projects or naming opportunities.

Exclusive Benefits

  1. Personalized Impact Reports

    • Receive comprehensive annual impact reports and strategic briefings detailing how your contributions are making a difference.

  2. Naming Opportunities

    • Exclusive rights to name major programs, facilities, or endowed funds, recognizing your significant contribution.

  3. VIP Invitations

    • Invitations to all major iPreach Campus events, including private dinners, exclusive receptions, and special forums.

  4. Lifetime Recognition

    • Prominent recognition on the donor wall and in all major iPreach Campus publications.

  5. Strategic Influence

    • Opportunity to serve on advisory boards or task forces, influencing strategic decisions and direction for iPreach Campus.

Enrollment and Contribution Process

  1. Application: Potential members complete an application for the Platinum Tier, outlining their interest and commitment.

  2. Review: Applications are reviewed by iPreach Campus leadership. Qualified candidates are contacted for a detailed discussion.

  3. Enrollment Fee Payment: Upon approval, pay the initial enrollment fee of $10,000.

  4. Annual Contribution Payment: Finalize the annual contribution of $100,000 or more through full payment or installments.

  5. Onboarding: Receive a welcome package, including details on your personalized impact report, event invitations, and strategic involvement opportunities.

Marketing and Communication

  • Exclusive Presentations: Create tailored presentations to engage potential Platinum Tier contributors, emphasizing the strategic impact and recognition benefits.

  • Special Events: Host exclusive events and briefings for Platinum Tier members to keep them informed and engaged with iPreach Campus’s initiatives.


iPreach Campus Platinum Tier
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